What's Your Leadership Foundation?

Our groundbreaking leadership curriculum, RAYMA Foundationsā„¢, is comprised of five essential leadership foundations needed to lead well:

  • Resilience
  • Authenticity
  • a YES mindset
  • Motivation
  • Assertiveness

Unlike a personality test that paints you into a box of who you are and how you are wired, your leadership foundation evolves throughout the year based on your current circumstances and skills.

Your leadership foundation today might be different than it will be in 3-6 months, making this assessment a tool that you can come back to again and again as a way to monitor your growth and leadership development over time.

We invite you to take our free quiz to get the most up-to-date picture of what you're struggling with right now as a leader, what you're doing well, and where you might need some accountability to lead better.


~Coach Mandy & Coach Raychel


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