Upcoming Leadership Program:



A seven week, in-person leadership program designed to help you step into the shoes of a resilient leader.


Objectives of this program:

  • Enhance Self-Awareness
  • Manage Stress Effectively
  • Crisis and Change Preparation

Next class details:

  • Date & Time: TBD
  • Location: Online via zoom + 5 In-Person spots available at the RAYMA Team Headquarters in Bismarck, ND.
  • Coach: TBD

Your investment: $1,500 Pay in Full or 4 monthly payments of $375.00.

Join the Waitlist and Get $300 OFF!

About this program:

Your leadership depends on how resilient you are. Becoming a resilient leader starts with a choice. Always.

First you make the choice to get up every time you get knocked down.

Every. Time.

And then you take action to build your resilient before you get knocked down again so you’re already conditioned to get back up the next time.

You see, it’s not a once and done thing.

You must make the choice every time.

To build your resilience BEFORE the next time you get knocked down, you must immediately activate what you learned, and then continue the process every time a new adversity comes your way.

That’s how growth happens!

Inside this seven-week program, you'll discover - and immediately implement  - the seven leadership principles you need to embody to consistently step into the shoes of a resilient leader.


Enhance Self-Awareness

Delve into the intricate workings of your mind (beyond the realm of personality tests) to uncover the thought patterns and emotions that have hindered your personal and professional growth.

Manage Stress Effectively

One of the leading causes of burnout is stress. Discover a simple, proven system to overcome the complexities of stress the moment it emerges.

Crisis and Change Preparation

Discover how to welcome change consistently so you are better prepared to navigate solutions when the worst happens.

Who should attend?

This program is for the following types of people that want to grow in their personal and professional skills to become more resilient:

  • Small business owners
  • Employees that want to improve their personal and professional skills
  • Network marketing professionals
  • Newly promoted leaders
  • Long-time leaders that have felt afraid and stuck
  • Home-based entrepreneurs struggling to bounce back after hard times
  • Stay at home moms (or dads)

Program Details


Program Dates: TBD

This will be a hybrid class. We will meet each week for one hour via Zoom, and 5 spots will be available to join in-person at the RAYMA Team™ office located at 418 E. Rosser Ave, Suite 203 in Bismarck, ND.


Supplemental Resources:

Includes a PDF Workbook file for zoom students and a paperback workbook for each in-person student. All students will get access to the RESILIENT Leadership Course that can be accessed online or via an app.

Leadership Program Certificates will be given at the end of the program upon completing a short quiz and essay on how you plan to apply what you've learned personally and professionally.

Key Takeaways and Skill Sets from this program:

  • Enhanced understanding of how you handle disappointments and difficult discussions.
  • Clear comprehension of your life's purpose, passions, and calling.
  • Establishment of daily routines for better health and well-being.
  • Effective techniques for managing stress.
  • Preparation for navigating crisis and embracing change.
  • Strengthened connections in relationships.
  • Cultivation of a grateful mindset.

Niki Joersz

Completing the RESILIENT Program has helped me focus on being more intentional with my team meetings and helped me become a better mentor to my staff.

Michelle Erickson, Executive Director

The RESILIENT Leadership Program really gave me a great foundation to continue to build my leadership skills from. I can't wait to share these principles with my staff and others. Being willing to grow in your leadership role is step number one!


Cindy Heier, Owner of C&H Glass

This RESILIENT Program has helped me tremendously in my growth as a person and leader! Very thought provoking!

Registration OPENS in October, 2023.

Your investment: $1,500 Pay in Full or 4 monthly payments of $375.

Join the Waitlist for First Dibs on When Registration Opens Again and Get $300 OFF!