Podcast Highlight - 2020 Goal Planning

she who overcomes podcast Oct 28, 2019

I’m a geek when it comes to planning. Twenty some years ago my nickname became "Big Nerd" because of my love for all things planners and colored pens. It's still true to this day! I love to dream and plan – not only for my own life, but also for my business. Anyone else with me?

Well, today on the show Raychel and I chat a bit about 2020 Goal Planning. You’ll discover how you can join us over the next 8 weeks to end 2019 with appreciation for all that you’ve become and carve a new path for success in 2020.

Click the links below to listen to Episode 33 on your favorite platform:

Apple Podcast


iHeart Radio



Also, before you go, I have a question for you:

What was your vision for 2019?

If you took the time to write it down, you most likely experienced the reality of that vision. Writing down your vision gives you a road map for your life. Ancient wisdom says that a man without a vision will perish.

So let me ask you a few questions:

  1. What do you want you life to look like at the end of 2020?
  2. Who do you need to become so you can fulfill that vision?
  3. What will you do every day to get there?

It's OK if you're not sure yet how to answer those questions. But, It’s time to take your power back and design the life you want to live! Not someday. Now. 2020 is right around the corner and I want you to have a vision and a plan for your year, and your life.

It’s time to EMERGE as the best version of yourself.
It’s time to EMERGE as the leader you were meant to be.
It’s time to EMERGE with new skills that will help you navigate our ever changing modern world.

For the last 8 weeks of 2019, we will be helping you:

  • Gain clarity on your goals and dreams.
  • Build a foundation of habits that will help you sustain your goals once you reach them.
  • Discover how to bounce back and learn from mistakes when they happen so you grow stronger because of them.

No matter how 2019 started you can end the year with appreciation for how far you’ve come as you carve a new path for 2020 and beyond.

It all begins on November 4th. Join us, today!


P.S. Get started today at www.raymateam.com/emerge