The YES Leadership Principle of Sparking Joy

blog fearless feminine leadership leadership mandy b. anderson raychel perman rayma foundations Mar 27, 2023
The YES Leadership Principle of Sparking Joy

Alright, Leaders... today's blogpost highlights an episode from the Fearless Feminine Leadership Podcast. We invite you to listen to this episode and join us in stepping into the shoes of a leader who says YES to what's possible!

This episode is a sneak peek into our RAYMA Foundations™ Leadership Program - specifically module 3. Leaders that know how to say YES to what's possible, make a conscious choice to spark joy. Sparking joy is an unconventional leadership principle that typically gets ignored, but it packs a punch. It's more important than you realize! Grab your coffee and let's dive into YES Principle 1: Spark Joy.

~Coach Mandy & Coach Raychel


Enjoyed this episode? We'd love to feature you! Take a screenshot and share it with us on Instagram. Be sure to tag us - @raymateam - so we can share your AH-HA moments on our IG stories. (Also, be sure to leave a review on iTunes or Spotify.) 



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The Fearless Feminine Leadership Podcast!

The world needs more than just the masculine leadership traits of productivity, dominance, and competition. It needs fearless feminine leadership. The Fearless Feminine Leadership Podcast is a show for leaders and aspiring leaders that want to grow in the soft skills of empathy, connection, creativity, and MORE - a.k.a. the feminine leadership skills. Hosted by RAYMA TeamĀ® Co-Founders and Certified Coaches, Mandy B. Anderson & Raychel Perman.

Listen Here!

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