Your Brokenness Tells a Story it's Time to Embrace it

authenticity blog personal growth raychel perman rayma foundations women in leadership Oct 28, 2022

Today I want to talk to you about Brokenness. At RAYMA Team, we believe an authentic leader embraces brokenness. They understand the cracks, broken pieces, and scars tell a story. Your story. Your brokenness tells a story it's time to embrace it.

If we've never met before, I'm Raychel Perman and I'm the Co-Founder RAYMA Team and the Co-Creator of RAYMA Foundations™. We're on a mission to revolutionize how leadership development is done.

In this video I read you a story from our RAYMA Foundations™ Curriculum that I include in leadership principle one of the Authenticity book… (click the photo below to watch the video training) 

If this topic resonates with you and you want to embrace your brokenness and every part of your story, I want to invite you to apply for 1:1 coaching. My job is to get is to help you get from where you are now, to where you want to be. If you are ready to become a Confident Rockstar Leader in your life, career, and relationships private Coaching is the highest level of support and accountability I offer to help you see results quickly.

Bottom line... Your Brokenness Tells a Story and it's time to Embrace it.

Before you go… Don't forget to share this training on your social media channels to spread leadership development to everyone. Talk to you soon!

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Before You Go, Check Out...

The Fearless Feminine Leadership Podcast!

The world needs more than just the masculine leadership traits of productivity, dominance, and competition. It needs fearless feminine leadership. The Fearless Feminine Leadership Podcast is a show for leaders and aspiring leaders that want to grow in the soft skills of empathy, connection, creativity, and MORE - a.k.a. the feminine leadership skills. Hosted by RAYMA TeamĀ® Co-Founders and Certified Coaches, Mandy B. Anderson & Raychel Perman.

Listen Here!

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