The Blog:

Articles, Podcasts, and Videos on Life & Leadership

Unique Gifts That Women Bring to Leadership with Nina Simons {Fearless Feminine Leadership Podcast episode 137) Apr 17, 2023

We were so completely enchanted to meet this month's podcast guest! Nina Simons is an Award-Winning Author and the Co-founder of Bioneers. Throughout her career spanning the nonprofit, social entrepreneurship, corporate, and philanthropic sectors, Nina has worked with nearly a thousand diverse...

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Your Brokenness Tells a Story it's Time to Embrace it Oct 28, 2022

Today I want to talk to you about Brokenness. At RAYMA Team, we believe an authentic leader embraces brokenness. They understand the cracks, broken pieces, and scars tell a story. Your story. Your brokenness tells a story it's time to embrace it.

If we've never met before, I'm Raychel Perman and...

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Leadership & Excellence in the Workplace Sep 23, 2022

As a Female Leader, you need to show up with excellence in the workplace. No cutting corners or just doing the minimum to get by. That is the opposite of Rockstar Leadership.

In this Facebook Live video Coach Raychel shares a story from her years as a trainer in the Spa industry and the day...

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ND Today: How to Stand Up for Yourself Sep 07, 2022

Many women struggle with the ability to stand up for themselves in moments where they feel disrespected and unheard. If it happens in your work life, there’s a good chance it is happening in your personal life. Watch this video replay as Coach Mandy shares a few ways to start standing up...

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NDT Today: What You Need to Know About Burnout Aug 30, 2022
Studies show that women report higher rates of burnout then men. Typical trainings on this topic give you empty promises of "avoiding or preventing" burnout. The truth is, avoiding or preventing burnout doesn't work!
Burnout is caused by stress. Since it is impossible to avoid stress...
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ND Today: Surprising Mistakes Female Leaders Make That Hold Them Back Aug 09, 2022

We can be tripped up by so many things as female leaders - in whatever industry or sphere of influence we have. Watch as Coach Mandy chats with Heidi from North Dakota Today and gives 3 tips to help women identify when they are holding themselves back, as well as how to start changing it.


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ND Today: Respect vs. Trust Aug 04, 2022

A popular leadership saying is, "Respect is earned." But is it really? In order to fully understand the difference between RESPECT and TRUST, we must have a short lesson on the definition of both of these words.

One definition of respect = "esteem for or a sense of the worth or excellence of a...

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Are you afraid people will think you are a witch with a capital B? Aug 04, 2022

Words are powerful. They will either build a beautiful future, or tear it down. Believe it or not, I've actually struggled with the label of "B*tch" for decades, and it has caused me to hide in interesting ways as a female leader. This is something I've been working on overcoming in the last...

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What Female Leaders Need to Know About Respect Aug 03, 2022

Here’s what female leaders need to know about respect: You must have enough self-respect to stand up for yourself and address disrespect when it happens.

(Scroll down to watch the short Facebook Live video for a conversation about what women need to know about respect.)

You need to know how...

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The Fears You Have as a Leader Should Motivate You to Take Action Jul 29, 2022

The fears you have as a Leader should motivate you to take action - not surrender.

(Scroll down to watch the short Facebook Live video for a conversation about the relationship between fear and leadership.)

Let's talk about the relationship between fear and leadership.

Fear makes you act...

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Remember Where You Came From Jul 22, 2022

Years ago I drove my car to the side of a little bridge in a new neighborhood and prayed that one day we would live in a house by the water. Today, I'm living in the reality of that prayer. But there's more to the story and the revelation than just that. Have coffee with me in this video as we...

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How to Handle Strong Beliefs and Differing Opinions Jun 13, 2022

Today I want to talk to you about how to handle strong beliefs and differing opinions. I've got notes on my screen because I really want to stay focused on not go down a bunny trail!

Now, what I’m about to say will spur on strong opinions inside of you. You will most likely feel a bit...

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