The Blog:

Articles, Podcasts, and Videos on Life & Leadership

Unique Gifts That Women Bring to Leadership with Nina Simons {Fearless Feminine Leadership Podcast episode 137) Apr 17, 2023

We were so completely enchanted to meet this month's podcast guest! Nina Simons is an Award-Winning Author and the Co-founder of Bioneers. Throughout her career spanning the nonprofit, social entrepreneurship, corporate, and philanthropic sectors, Nina has worked with nearly a thousand diverse...

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Ladies, Don't Wait Until You're Qualified Oct 31, 2022

In an article from Forbes Magazine dated April 28, 2014, the writer quoted that "Men are confident about their ability at 60%, but women don’t feel confident until they’ve checked off each item on the list." 

Dear Female Leader - have you done this? You're not alone if you have!...

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When To Step Away From Volunteer and Advocacy Work Oct 24, 2022

Female Leaders have a lot of pressure put on them to not only prove their leadership abilities, but to also make sure they are giving a ton of time and money to every volunteer opportunity and advocacy group that comes their way.

There’s nothing wrong with volunteering or advocating for...

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Ways To Get Noticed As A Female Leader Oct 17, 2022

Most leadership training focuses on how to be a servant leader. We're turning things upside down today and telling the stuff they won't tell you about how to get noticed as a female leader! These are things that most leaders don't consider, and they can do wonders to open the doors of opportunity...

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What Women Need to Know About Burnout Sep 19, 2022

We have been teaching leaders how to better manage their stress for nearly a decade with our curriculum and courses- and the topic of burnout oven comes up. Which totally makes since because Burnout is caused by excessive or prolonged stress that eventually causes emotional, mental, and physical...

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Leading with Rockstar Confidence Sep 16, 2022

What does Leading with Rockstar Confidence mean to you?

Rockstar confidence means a lot of things - and that's the beauty of it: you get to define for yourself what rockstar confidence means and how to live it out. Yes, there are leadership principles that weave everything together, but you get...

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Why Your Networking Group Is Not Therapy or Coaching Sep 14, 2022

Today we want to talk to you about Why Your Networking Group Is Not Therapy or Coaching. This is a THING that happens often and we've got to address it.


  • The problems created when you treat your networking group like...
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What Female Leaders Should Not Apologize For Sep 12, 2022

Compulsive apologizing is a sign of insecurity and a lack of confidence. It's ruining your leadership and we've got to talk about it!

How to give an authentic apology is something that we teach in our Course, The Honor Code of Conflict Resolution. Genuine apologies are important! However, many...

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How to Lead Fearlessly When You Don't Feel Well Sep 09, 2022

Become the Victor of your circumstances. Lead by example when sickness or hard times come.

Yes, you can still lead fearlessly even when you don’t feel well. Sickness and grief do not disqualify you as a leader.

Be vulnerable and honest.

Establish healthy boundaries.

Boldly take care of...

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