Want to Feel Respected in Your Relationships?

boundaries conflict resolution healthy relationships raychel perman respect Jul 01, 2022

Today's Friday thoughts with Coach Raychel  was inspired by a post on Instagram about how to feel respected in your relationships that got a lot of great comments. We get more in depth in this video on what high level women leaders need to do to feel respected in their relationships.

There are 2 steps: 

First you set the boundary.

Second you enforce the consequences.

The part that trips us up is often the 2nd step. As high level female leaders we want to look like we have it all together but while our success grows our relationships are often crumbling in the background. If you want respect you have to enforce the boundaries you set.

I SUCKED at this for years in my personal relationships. I was the people pleasing scape goat in my family of origin so I naturally brought that into my relationships as an adult. It was until I started to work harder on my own personal growth that it started to change (not my marriage or my kids dad which had been my focus to change before)

I learned how to enforce the consequence when I filed for divorce in 2017 after the boundaries were crossed and no hope was left. And I’ve been walking out boundaries and consequences in my personal and professional life ever since. I get to decide how I’m treated. So do you. 

And I love helping my clients do the same because after working with hundreds of high level female leaders this is a common problem we rarely talk about.

If this resonates there are 2 options for you below to work with me!  See you next time, 

~Coach Raychel 


Ready to become a more respected female leader?

1. Apply for Private Coaching: This is something I help my clients with in private coaching. When you work with me, we dive deep to identify and correct the patterns of disrespect that you allow including setting boundaries and consequences. I’m currently taking applications to work with 3 new private clients over the next 3-6 months. You can apply at this link: https://www.raymateam.com/assessments/2147604259

2. Join us at the Fearless Feminine Leadership Event: Saturday, August 20th from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM central time. Virtual and In-person tickets are available. Spots are limited to so register today at https://www.raymateam.com/ffl-august2022.