The Blog:

Articles, Podcasts, and Videos on Life & Leadership

Self-Reflection Separates Greatness from Mediocrity May 06, 2024

Dear Leader: Self-Reflection Separates Greatness from Mediocrity.

Regular self-reflection is important for a variety of reasons. It helps you better understand your own strengths, weaknesses, values, and emotions. Self-reflection helps you better understand how you communicate and processes...

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Why I Stopped Treating Social Media Like an Online Diary Aug 21, 2023

It’s been over a year since I stopped treating social media like a digital diary. Here’s what has happened…


1. I’m more clear on my messaging and my focus.


This was a big struggle for me for years. I started my Instagram profile back in 2012 after I almost...

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How to Become a Resilient Multi-Dimensional Leader Aug 11, 2023

Years ago, I sat in a meeting where the leader spent a lot of time talking about the different hats we wore. He explained we have a work hat and a friend hat, and we must only wear one hat at a time. I think it was his futile attempt at building a healthier work environment but to me it sounded...

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3 TED Talks to Challenge Your Thinking May 22, 2023

The other day I was at the gym, searching for the right message to listen to that would challenge the lies and labels that were swirling around in my head. There was an unopened email in my inbox - from TED Talks - called, "The Likeability Dilemma for Women." It seemed like the perfect solution...

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What They Don’t Tell You About Being a People-Pleaser Mar 17, 2023


I never saw myself as a People-Pleaser…

I had determination and strong opinions about how to do things. And I went after my dreams no matter what. But when I read the definition of a people-pleaser from WebMD, I saw it.

WeMD describes a people-pleaser this way:


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The Sneaky Reason You Struggle With Stress Mar 10, 2023

Dear Leader: If you’re struggling with managing your stress, THIS is for you.

An inability to manage stress is a sign that you are lacking in the leadership foundation of RESILIENCE. According to, one of the meanings of the word resilient is “recovering readily...

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ND Today: 3 Goals to Define in 2023 Jan 09, 2023

Most goal planning trainings focus on coming up with strategic goals and action steps to help you reach the highest level of productivity in the shortest amount of time. Truthfully - this type of goal planning or new year resolutions only works for certain personality types.

Let’s expand...

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What is Balance for One Leader is Chaos for Another Nov 11, 2022

Today I want to talk about balance. Now stay with me because I promise it's not your typical conversation about balance. I want to tell you that What is Balance for One Leader is Chaos for Another and WHY this matters. 

One of the Core Leadership Characteristics we teach at RAYMA Team...

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How to Recognize Subtle Signs of Domestic Violence in Someone on Your Team Oct 21, 2022

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Domestic violence is a topic that hits close to home for so many of us. Including myself. Let's talk about some of the subtle signs of domestic violence in someone on your team. 

If we've never met before, I'm Raychel Perman and I'm the...

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Stop Letting Your Emotions Hijack Your Leadership Jun 03, 2022
Your emotional intelligence will make or break your ability to lead in high stress situations.  And women with high EQ will become mature + respected leaders faster those that don't. 

If we have never met before- I'm Raychel Perman a certified Life & Leadership Coach and...
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What To Do With Imposter Syndrome Mar 25, 2022

Tell me if this sounds like you:

  • You constantly doubt your skills and abilities.
  • You often downplay your accomplishments.
  • You fear that someday you will be outed as a fraud.

If you said yes to one or more of those statements... you may have imposter syndrome.  While not an actual mental...

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How To Lead Your Staff Positively In High Stress Situations Mar 18, 2022

Every leader faces high stress situations regardless of title, profession, gender, or experience. Stress is a constant in our lives, like death and taxes. Because high levels of stress will negatively affect your mental, emotional, and physical health - you must learn to lead well under...

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